At the same time, warn the user, do not buy the old TL866A/CS model by listening to letter.Haikou Xingong Electronics Co.,Ltd.
It can be confirmed that the TL866CS TL866A products sold on e-commerce platforms such as AliExpress, Ebay and Taobao are all pirated and counterfeit products. Please note that the TL866A/CS be stopped delivery in February 2018. At the same time, all e-commerce platforms (Taobao, Ebay, AliExpress) are off the shelves.3. The stores immediately stopped selling the old TL866CS/TL866A programmer. If there are some TL866CS/A programmers in stock, please contact us for return processing.(For dealers only, If you are a dealer, please contact your supplier in China.
We has already recycled and destroyed the TL866A and TL866CS programmers that are not sold by authorized dealers. Notice: Old model TL866A/CS programmer is off the shelf1.